Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Several Things I've Noticed About the Germans

ON one of our excursions we had a mixer with a number of German high school students who were studying US-German relations so we were instructed to talk to them about their perceptions of us and vice versa. It's given me an interesting perspective of what being an "American" is. But for now I'll dish on my perspectives of the Germans:

  1. Most younger Germans speak English because they are required to learn in like 5th grade. Also any German will tell you that English is way easier to learn than German. Most Germans know 3 languages as well.
  2. Germans aren't cold! A simple smile is just more of an invitation over here than it is in the U.S. (I'm still trying to figure out whether this is good or bad)
  3. Germans will tell you exactly how they feel. Whether it's about politics, food, how someone behaves, Germans want to you know exactly what is on their mind. At first it's a little offputting, now it's more refreshing.
  4. Germans know how to party and like to party very much. After attending Oktoberfest this past weekend, this became very very very clear.
  5. Germans don't hate Americans!!! I think it has more to do with our current administration. Whenever I tell someone I'm from America (California especially) they immediately want to talk about celebrities or sunshine.
This is just the beginning. As I continue to travel I'm sure I will develop more perceptions about my new friends the Germans and will report on them accordingly.


Larinha! October 1, 2008 at 2:09 PM  

OI meu nome eh Samara, tenho 14 anos
(Teria se estivesse viva)
Morri aos 13 em Cascavel PR.
Eu andava de bicicleta quando não pude desviar de um arame farpado
O pior foi que o dono do lote não quis me ajudar, rio bastante d mim..após agonizar por 2 horas enroscada no arame, eu
Através desse e-mail eu peço que façam com que eu possa descansar em paz.
Envie isso para 10 pessoas e minha alma estará sendo salva por você e pelos outros 10 que receberão.
Caso nao repasse esse e-mail, vou visitar-lhe a cada 3 dias...assim vc poderá conhecer o tal arame bem de

Dia 15 de Julho Mariana
resolveu rir desse e-mail,
uma noite depois ela sumiu sem deixar vestgios.
o mesmo aconteceu com Thiago dia 4 de Abril´.
Não quebre essa corrente por favor, a não ser que queira sentir a minha presença 04:17 da madrugada
OBS: este scrap ñ é uma brincadeira sem grasa + sim uma historia em fatos reais resolveu(rir , apagar...)vc vera a alma d Samara por 1 ano

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